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Wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your lecture yesterday at the ODA’s in Columbus yesterday. (Best Practices from EFDA Education To Put To Use Tomorrow). I loved how you connected the guests and made us all feel comfortable. It’s refreshing to hear someone say… “You’re not “just” a dental assistant”. I’m proud of being an EFDA and you are very inspiring. Your knowledge and experience in the field made it educational and informative (I left with several “pearls”) but your humor and wit made it, for me, down right entertaining. And that, I feel, is how you give a lecture. You kept my attention the entire time. I may have laughed a little too loud but it was genuinely a great time. Thank you for an amazing lecture.

Jennifer Sabo
Ohio Dental Association 2017
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Terri is by far an excellent instructor and speaker. She has those special characteristics which make learning fun. Terri is full of talent, knowledge and adds a twist of fun to her lectures. She always has a smile on her face which proves she loves what she does.

Natasha M
Harcum Expo and Willow Grove lecture
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Teaches by sharing her stories, admitting her mistakes and making us all laugh at the process! It was good to hear we should always keep learning and consider mentoring new team members.

Course Attendee
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Theresa is a natural speaker; you can tell she’s a teacher. She seems to instinctively know when someone doesn’t grasp what she’s saying and can switch gears in the presentation to meet the needs of this group; we’re a tough crowd!

Course Attendee
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Theresa knows how to keep attendees of any group size engaged by making all of her events informative and fun! Her events are a great place to connect with other dental professionals. I highly recommend any course of hers, because she is just that good.

EFDA Association Course
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Not only was the course informational and entertaining at the same time, but it was really great that Terri kept reminding us that she’s ‘one of us’; means more than when a dentist is trying to include us or reminding the dentists in the room to ‘make sure your assistants know this’. Great to have a course FOR assistants BY an assistant!

Course Attendee
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Very interesting topics, was able to learn a lot about new products.

Course Attendee
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I appreciated that this course was more group involved. Everyone was able to give input and share ideas; not just the speaker talking at us. I liked that new products were introduced. Thank you.

Course Attendee
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I think doing this course every year would be helpful on new bonds, composites, etc. Thanks. Theresa – always loving taking your CEs.

From EFDA Association Course, March 2016
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Great hands-on for EFDAs and great info!

From EFDA Association Course, March 2016
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I have had the pleasure of attending quite a few of Theresa’s CE events. I find myself looking for her courses in particular, as I know I will gain the most knowledge about the course topic, and by the conclusion, I leave feeling more confident about my profession.

From EFDA Association Course, March 2016
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Theresa knows how to keep attendees of any group size engaged by making all of her events informative and fun! Her events are a great place to connect with other dental professionals. I highly recommend any course of hers, because she is just that good.

From EFDA Association Course, March 2016
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Excellent course, even for dentists. Very good review of composite fillings that I do every day. I needed this refresher since dental school.

From Pacific Northwest Dental Conference, June 2015
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Thank you; just reinforces we are on the right track for our patients. Please plan more classes for assistants!

From Pacific Northwest Dental Conference, June 2015
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Awesome lecture! So informative, wish it would have lasted longer. Thanks for the realistic applications. You are an awesome, talented and very informative speaker who kept us entertained.

From Pacific Northwest Dental Conference, June 2015