Course Description:
This course is designed for the Dental Assistant team member. Restorative procedures will be reviewed and discussed with an emphasis on the basics and reasons why procedures may fail. Matrix options, shading/layering of direct composite procedures and advanced temporization techniques will be presented.
While this course is primarily designed for the experienced Dental Assistant, graduates of programs will also be motivated by being introduced to more advanced procedures. Since the esthetic aspect of dentistry requires a commitment to life-long learning, resources will be reviewed to keep abreast of these advancements. Participants will be encouraged to share techniques for success from their own experiences in practice.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the Dental Assistant will be able to:
- Review advancements of newest adhesive and composite materials and discuss direct composite placement techniques.
- Review criteria for properly placed matrix systems as well as discuss tips for success with difficult preparations/situations.
- Review criteria for clinically acceptable provisionals and introduce improved materials including indirect mock-up techniques.
- Discuss new treatment options for dentin hypersensitivity and indications for their use.
- Describe what factors most affect successful or failed clinical results.
This course can be customized to specific meeting needs: half or full day lecture option/ full day lecture/workshop combination